Sunday, October 19, 2014

I blog...

Many times I sit down to express the inner workings of my heart, but nothing seems to be worthy of writing for anyone else to see.

Why do I blog anyway? is it for myself? for others? 

I blog
so that by sharing my heart. the aches. the joys. the everyday "normals". 
that maybe someone else out there needs to hear my heart, and then instantly know they aren't alone.

I blog
so that I can share the workings of the Lord in our lives.
I'm not much of a public speaker, but here - here I am able to be honest, open, and a tad bit vulnerable.

I blog
so I don't forget. 
Going into mommihood I knew I wouldn't be the type that kept tabs on when the first tooth came in, and second...and third. Bless you if you are!
I do remember the feeling when he first walked,
the feeling when he first said mama, and how my heart almost burst when he gave me that first kiss.
Funnily (or not), my calendar is filled with Dr. appointment dates, I know the date of his first, second, and third surgeries. I know the dates of his seizures,
and I can rattle off all the information necessary to get Gavin registered for a procedure.

I blog
because it is a creative outlet.
I can put my thoughts, dreams, fears, and hopes on here.
Mine - not anyone else's.


  1. I am so thankful that you blog! It gives me yet another way to stay connected with you and your amazing family even though miles separate us! You are such a talented writer and have a gift of communicating your heart through words. Thanks for this gift to the world! I <<>> you and am so very proud of you, baby sister!

    1. Thank you dear sister! I love you and miss you deeply!

  2. That was supposed to say I LOVE you! Not sure where the "love" was in the middle of those brackets!

  3. you blog because you are created in the image of God, the Word who dwelt among us.
