For a few months now I have been researching Essential Oils (EOs). I have looked up their uses, the best combos for illness/immune boosting, and have tried to gather all the info needed before starting this journey. One of my close friends has been using them for quite a while to help protect her and her son from illness, and she was kind enough to share a few blends with us.
Now I am not entirely sure that my husband didn't think I had gone off the deep end- but after using a blend of Eucalyptus & Peppermint, as well as Thieves, I was able to be symptom free after one day of a head cold that was coming on with a vengeance. Since then I have been gifted a set of EOs from dear hubby (maybe not as skeptical as I thought...) for Christmas and have been putting them to good use!
Lavender is my absolute favorite for bedtime routine. I have combined Lavender with Sweet Orange and found that combo to be an energizer. This is not to say I haven't made some mixing errors- let's just say that mixing eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, and lemon is a great combo! Leave out the tea tree and you have yourself going to work smelling like an 85 year old man with 50 year old cologne. Sorry coworkers...
Today I found a great wax diffuser at Target, and it has made it's home in our bathroom. I plan on diffusing oils during Gavin's bath and my shower. Tonight we did peppermint & eucalyptus - my favorite combo. I promise to branch out more as I learn more.
Note: the coconut oil is the "carrier oil" that you use to dilute the pure oils. |
I am by no means well-versed in EOs yet, but I am working towards it! I have never been one who enjoys taking medicine, and I most certainly don't enjoy being sick - so I will do anything to combat this cold/flu season!
Pet tip: I went to check out an EO book at the library this afternoon and the librarian said she uses them on her dog who has anxiety. Apparently lavender behind the ears calmed him right down. There you go - a tip from one non-pet mama to you.
More on our Essential Oils journey to come!
Allison, I use essential oils too! If you have any questions you can also ask me! I have a reference guide that tells what oils to use for what. And yes, you can use some on pets. They are great!